Torah classes from
chabad of sola

In the Hayom Yom of 7 Iyar, the Rebbe writes that during the days of sefira it is customary to learn a Daf of Maseches Sota corresponding to that day’s sefira.
Join Shliach Rabbi Avraham Zajac from Chabad of Sola for a Shiur on the daily Daf with insights of Chassidus sprinkled throughout the lesson.
Sola Maseches Sotah
- Sotah Daf 49 May 25, 2023
Torah classes from Chabad of Sola
Torah classes from Chabad of Sola

Chabad Sola Daily Rambam – Rabbi Zajac
- Teshuvah Chapter 10 – Shema Chapters 2 May 11, 2023

Sola Daily Tanya Class
- Lekutei Amarim Chapter 48 (Part 1) May 5, 2023

Shar Habitachon
- Shar Habitachon (Part 24) January 1, 2023
Torah Classes From Chabad of SOLA
Halacha Shiur from Chabad of SOLA

With 2,711 pages in the Talmud, each Daf Yomi study cycle takes about seven and a half years. Our daily Gemara class are illuminated with the teachings of Chassidus.

Many amazing video Shiurim given in Chabad of Sola on Parsha, Tanya, Halacha and much more can be found on this vimeo page.

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac
Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac, is the co-director of Chabad-Lubavitch SOLA-South La Cienega, Calif., with his wife, Stery Zajac.